
That Anti-Semite Was Reverend Wright...

King of The Hill Won't Be Renewed

13 seasons... had a good run.

John McCain To Appear on Saturday Night Live Tomorrow

Oh McCain

33.6 Million Watched Obama Ad

According to Nielson

Gore to campaign for Obama in Florida

Goring it up

Israel Closes Gaza Crossings

Check it

GOOD Magazine: What the Next President Inherits

Evangelical Teenagers More Sexually Active Than Mormons, Mainline Protestants, and Jews


Why Do You Vote?- North Carolina

Rhino Attack Drill In Tokyo

Who Would You Vote For?

Why November? Why Tuesday?

Nov. 4th... why.

November 4th should be a holiday. Period.

New Technology - The Naked Truth Under Clothes



If Democrats Were Republicans, They'd Be All Over This...

Palin's church believes that demonic forces can colonize specific geographic areas and individuals, and that "spiritual warriors" must "battle" them to assert God's control.

Syria: Deadly U.S. Attack 'Serious Aggression'

Four of the casualties were children... =|

Stewie Hits O'Reilly On The Head With Magnifying Glass

Jay-Z On Poilitics

Jay-Z: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered - Part 5

I recommend watching the entire documentary.

If Hollywood Directors Made Campaign Ads: Part 2

Exxon Posts Largest Ever Profit of $14.83 Billion in a Quarter!

An excellent rant

'Terrorist Costume' Search on Amazon Results in This...


Note: This is a screenshot. Amazon has already corrected this.

Ohio Judge Rules Homeless Voters May List Park Benches as Addresses


Burying The Dead In The Ocean To Help Rebuild The Reefs


Beatles Unknown "A Hard Day's Night" Chord Mystery Solved

Using Fourier transform

We're (Not) #1!

Check it!

Rashid Khalidi, Obama's New Radical Connection, But Wait....

He has ties with McCain!

His Wiki

The Economist Endorses Obama

Check it
Anybody else want to endorse? There's four days left... anybody?


10.30.08 - The Day in More Than 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo

Halloween Palin Prop Sparks Controversy In West Hollywood

Check it

Defeat The Robots

McCain Interview With Larry King

Dianne Feinstein: Vote NO on Prop 8, I am


Upcoming Interviews

--OBAMA interview with NBC anchor Brian Williams will air on "Nightly News" at 6:30 pm ET.

--OBAMA's sit down with MSNBC will air on "The Rachel Maddow Show" at 9 pm ET.

--ABC News' Charlie Gibson will interview MCCAIN in Ohio Friday. The interview will air on "World News" at 6:30 pm ET.

--ESPN says both candidates will do interviews via satellite to air at halftime of "Monday Night Football" on election eve.

Via Time

Prepare For The Colbert Bump Obama

Kazakhstan's Futuristic Pyramid


Left Brain vs Right Brain Test


Try to make it change at will...

California to Cut Water Deliveries to Cities and Farms


Drawing With Water

Giant 8 Foot Lego Man Washed Up On The Beach


The Amazing True Story of Disaster Girl

Disaster girl!

The Simpsons Spoof The Mad Men Intro


Russia Experiment: Firing a Pig Into The Air After First Getting It Drunk


Joe The Plumber Missing...

Cats That Steal Shit



uhhh, something...

Some Guy Takes “Playing With The Baby” a Tad Too Far


French Doctor Unveils Artificial Heart


Men Have Biological Clocks Like Women

Research shows

Tivo and Netflix Partner To Stream Movies and TV Episodes Via Television

Check it

The Beatles Involved In Rock Band-Type Video Game Development

Check it

How To Turn Liquid Instantly Into Solid, and Vice Versa

Obama - Words Matter (Bird is the Word)

Damon Weaver, a Charming 5th Grader, Interviews Biden

Brainpower of Britain's 14-year-olds Has Slipped 'Radically' in Just One Generation

Research suggests

Internet Use Could Improve Brain Function

Research suggests

Astronauts Vote From Space

Check it

Are EMFs Behind Some Ghost Sightings?

Scientists investigate

Stress May Cause One To Itch

Research suggests

Climate Change Making Seas More Saltier

Check it

Fearful Elephants Would Rather Starve Than Cross Roads


The Kurt Cobain Guide to Startup Success

Check it

Psychological Study Reveals That Red Enhances Men's Attraction to Women


Stephen Hawking On His ALS

Check it

Pennsylvanian Schools Closed: Obama's In Town

Obama campaigns

Brain Has Thin Line Between Love and Hate

Study reveals

Man In The Dark

Check it

Don't forget to click

Clinton Campaigning With Obama

DNC AD- More of The Same

Palin is Good Friends With Law-Breaking Senator Stevens

Fox NewsGets Upset


People Eat What They're Fed...

10.29.08 - The Day in 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo

Senate Race Preview

Talking Points Memo

10.28.08 - The Day in 100 Seconds

Alaskan Senator, Ted Stevens, Convicted on Corruption Charges

Check it

Joaquin Phoenix: I'm Not Doing Films Anymore

Check it

10.27.08 - The Day in 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo

Disaster Girl

Check it

Laid Off By Lehman Brothers

Clever Halloween Costumes

Synchronized Presidential Debating

@ 236

Obama Is Beautiful World

Obama, Japan loves Obama.

Extreme Arm Wrestling

Hollywood Declares Themselves

You Can Vote However You Like

Incredible Pictures of Caves

Psychedelic Caves

World beneath the world

University researchers developing cancer-fighting beer

Resveratrol in beer...

Liquid Smoking: Drink Promises Instant High for Cigarette Smokers

Check it

Google to Build a Landmark Green Building

Check it

Mike Nichols, David Mamet and Martin Scorsese to Remake Akira Kurosawa’s High and Low

/Film has the story


Not-Okay Touching - Pooh Corner 1983-1987

Barack Obama: The TIME Interview


TransCanada Wins Palin Bid to Build Natural Gas Pipeline


Bill Clinton on Food Crops: We All Blew It, Including Me


Current Early Voting Issues

Colorado faces suit on voter purges.
Denver checking whereabouts of 11,000 mail-in ballots.
Bush orders DOJ to probe Ohio voter registrations.
Lawsuit filed against Penn. demanding emergency paper ballots for voters.
Voters (R) votes marked as (D) votes in Tenn.
Voters (D) votes marked as (R) votes in Texas.
Voters complain about voting machines in Florida and West Virginia.

Earliest Reference Describes Christ as 'Magician'


Australia Bans Word 'Drought' as Too Upsetting For Farmers


Zimbabwe Inflation Crisis In Pictures


Florida may vote to ban gay marriage


Lieberman On Palin: "Thank God She's Not Gonna Have To Be President From Day One"


Bill Clinton to Campaign With Obama Wednesday


McCain Thought The Last 8 Years Went Well, Then Changed His Mind

Pepsi Unveils New Logo and Bottles


New Diesel Locomotive Cuts CO2 Emissions by 50%


Tom Green Raps With Xzibit on Tom Green's House Tonight

Tom Green was a member of Organized Crime, which released 'Huh? Stiffenin' Against The Wall' in 1992.

Judge Rejects Lawyer's Bid to Remove Obama Ballot

They said that Berg's claims were "ridiculous" and "patently false," that Berg had "no standing" to challenge the qualifications of a candidate for president because he had not shown the requisite harm to himself.


Apple donates $100,000 to No on Prop 8 Campaign

“We strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights—including the right to marry—should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.”


Melting Steel With Solar Power

10.24.08 - The Day in More Than 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo


Joe McCain Apologizes For 911 Call, Withdraws From McCain Campaign

@ Baltimore Sun

Early Voting Summary

@ Daily Kos

Stephen Hawking To Retire From Academic Post


Sen. Kennedy Working on Health Care Legislation

Sen. Edward Kennedy Works To Craft Bipartisan Legislation That Would Provide All U.S. Residents With Affordable Health Coverage.

Notorious Trailer

Watch Here

10.24.08 - The Day in 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo

Whassup Guys Eight Years Later

Invasion of the United Kingdom imminent


McCain Met With Pinochet


Unfamiliar with Pinochet?

Nuclear Power May Be in Early Stages of a Revival


Buckypaper: 10 Times Lighter Than Steel, 500 Times Stronger


Marijuana Does Not Raise Lung Cancer Risk


Democrat: Obama's Grandma Confirms Kenyan Birth

Pennsylvanian to release evidence of Obama's grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.

NBA's Board Expands Use of Instant Replay


McCain Adviser Charles Fried Endorses Obama


Former Mass. GOP Governor Endorses Obama


Obama Speaks in Ad - Jeff Merkley For Oregon Senate

McCain Ad - It Doesn't Have to Happen

Offline Wikipedia for Download


Mother Gets 9 Years For Abusing Child

Skinned son and made him eat his own flesh.

Mother was member of the
Grail Movement.

Campaign Worker Lied About Robbery, Injured Self


Kids Less Likely to Graduate Than Parents


NYTimes Endorsements Through the Ages


The End of America- Connects Fascism to Contemporary America

The End of America by Naomi Wold

Understanding The Economic Crisis...

Via Antarctic expedition [video]

Via The Subprime Primer [slide show]

Via The Giant Pool of Money [podcast]

From Past to Future - Dubai, UAE


Tone of Coverage

Bush, Palin, McCain, and Todd on SNL


10.23.08 - The Day in 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo

Goldwaters Grandchildren Endorse Obama


New York Times Endorses Obama


10.23.08 - News

Palin on her medical records.
Bloomberg now eligible for third term.
McCain to appear on Meet The Press Sunday.
Robber etched 'B' on McCain supporters face.
Take time off work to vote.
Joe McCain calls 911 about a traffic jam.
Ron Howard, Andy Griffith, and Henry Winkler endorse Obama.
Wisconsin GOP State Senator endorses Obama.
Greenspan concedes error on regulation.
7 year old break dancer on Ellen.
Scott McClellan endorses Obama.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has natural electric activity.

If the world could vote

1958 - Unchained Goddess by Frank Capra

Barack O'Lantern

Share your own pumpkin carvings or just download a creators stencil
at Yes We Carve

America's Secret War

There Is Just One America

10.22.08 - The Day in 100 Seconds

Talking Points Memo

Fashion Expenses - Obama vs. Palin

New News

Better job growth under ‘tax and spend liberals’.
No on Proposition 8 is losing momentum.
Al-Qaeda backs John McCain.
Giant spider eating a bird caught on camera.
Hillary Clinton campaigns for Al Franken.
Rumsfeld portrait to be completed by February.
Ben Bernanke endorses Obama.
Obama talks dancing, Halloween, and Clooney on Ellen.

Two firetrucks crashing

Matthews Hammers Pfotenhauer

McCain Ads By Famous Directors


McCain... Socialist!?

TMP - The Day in 100 Seconds

I highly recommend Talking Points Memo.

America Has the Second-Lowest Business Taxes In the World

Read David Sirota's post.

Epic Ghostride Fail

Ask Men's Top 49 Most Influential Men


1.Barack Obama
5.Stephen Colbert
10.John McCain
15.Jon Stewart
16.Thom Yorke
19.Ben Bernanke

See the list HERE

How to Legally Video your Vote

Be Informed - 10.22.08

Sarah Palin's college years left no lasting impression.
Foreign-policy heavyweight, Ken Adelman, endorses Obama.
RNC has spent over $150,000 on Palin's clothes.
Eminem to vote for Obama.
McCain fans are mad.
Bush decides to keep Guantánamo open.
Canadian University unveils world's most powerful microscope.
The Rachel Maddow Show experiencing sharp rise in ratings.
The rich cheat more on taxes.

Bush Scandals List
Steal Back Your Vote
Test Your Geographic Knowledge Of The 50 States

Palin STILL Doesn't Know What VP Does

Olbermann On McCain's Voter Fraud Connections

RFK Jr. Talks About Voter Purging


Florida Trouble

Florida voting machines break down on first day.

Sarah Palin Dancing

Just for good laughs, not meant to belittle.

Triumph At The Presidential Debate (10/17/2008)

Obama's Grandmother Ill

Obama travels to Hawaii to visit ill grandmother, cancels two events.

Meanwhile, Fox News "hate site" bashes Obama over dying grandmother.

The Truth About ACORN

Matthews On Limbaugh

Be Informed

Google CEO Eric Schmidt endorses Obama.
Daily News endorses Obama.
Death threat letters sent to Obama supporters.
Official scoffs at voting problems in Pennsylvania.
Obama: Powell will have a role in administration.
GOP operative arrested for voter fraud in California.
McCain campaign conceededing in Colorado.
W's "Ann Coulter" actress beaten in home attack.
Biden releases medical records.
The McCain's would save a lot of money under McCain tax plan.
Jupiter's larger moon found to be rubble.
GOPers attacking ACORN could be prosecuted.
McCain employing GOP operative accused of voter registration fraud.
Chomsky: pick the lesser of two evils.
Muslims for McCain vs. Anti-Muslims for McCain.

Crazy Tracy - This is Why America is Broken

Terry Tate’s Journal Of Pain


Obama '08 - Vote For Hope

Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.

Nailin Palin - Part 1 (NSFW)

Family Guy - McCain/Palin Scene

Obama Sign Ripped Up By Lady

A pro Obama sign by a highway in Lancaster, PA was ripped up by a lady. The sign belongs to a man in a wheelchair. They have a confrontation.

Obama Ad - McCain on Women Issues

Be Informed

Car gadget guarantees green traffic lights.
Learn the night sky.
Heliosphere weakened by 25% over past decade.
The life of the queen bee.
Obama campaign worker allegedly attacked
Carter tried to stop Bush's energy disasters.
North Korea 'announcement' expected.

Colin Powell Endorses Obama

Palin on SNL

Tell Congress to Censure Michele Bachmann

Censure Michele Bachmann



Radiohead - Reckoner - by Clement Picon

Little Bill vs. Barney Frank

Misconceptions of Obama

Be Informed

Bottled water contaminationstudy.
US debt abroad.
Technology to transform CO2 into fuel.
The endeavor of attaining Palin's E-mail's.
Michigan ordered to restore purged voters.
Fun with McCain.
Is Colin Powell ready to Obama.
MIT is developing smart bikes.
$675 billion bank bailout approved by German Parliament.
Ohio to ignore Supreme Court ruling?
Washington Post endorses Obama.
Hawaii ending universal child health care after 7 Months.
Uncircumcised penis' > Circumcised penis'.
The food that fuels Google.
Bush rushes to open Grand Canyon to toxic uranium mining.
Drinking alcohol shrinks one's brain?
Wal-Mart closes shop where union contract imposed.
Palin to appear on SNL this weekend.
Chicago Tribune endorses Obama.
Evolution [pic]



CNN’s Most Wanted: Phil Gramm




Palin Annoyed by Couric

If interviewers only asked the questions one wanted to answer...