

It Doesn't Have To Be That Way...


This is certainly worth a revisit seeing as McCain mentioned the funding for the study of bear's DNA in yesterdays debate.

Biden Thoughts On The Debate


Thanks to HuffPo


McCain and Mistruth



Security and insecurity

Eve Ensler

Be Informed

Oldest known piece of earth may be in northern Quebec.
McCain campaign live and active during suspension.
By 2010, the internet will run out of IP addresses. Solution
Chinese banks halt lending to US banks.
Where do satellites go when they die?
How much sleep do you really need?
McCain wins debate before it even happens...
McCain will attend debate Friday after all.
WAMU's assets bought by JPMorgan Chase for $1.9 billion.

Air Traffic in 24 Hours

The Real Difference Between Liberals and Cons

Your Morals

Talking Points Only Get One So Far...


The Great Schlep

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.

Be Informed

NASA’s Dirty Secret: Moon Dust.
Polar bears resort to cannibalism.
List of foreign leaders Biden has met with.
Process for citizenship for legal immigrants.
Third party candidates offer to take McCain's place on Friday.
Pakistan trades fire with NATO helicopters.
Underwater lakes.

Letterman Reacts to McCain Suspending Campaign



National Presidential General Election 08'

Via Pollster
Obama - 48.4%
McCain - 44.8%

Obama's Seven Principles for Bailout


Putthing Things Into Perspective

How - Click here for more home videos

Be Informed

If only Palin were as outgoing as Biden.
Bush Backs Unlimited CompensationFor Disgraced CEOs.
McCain lied about buying all American.
Fifth Ocean... heard of it?
Japan unveils desire to construct space elevator
Habeas Corpus isn't Palin's cup of tea.
Stonehenge birthday discovered by archaeologists.
Warm year can suppress grassland absorbtion of CO2 ecosystems.
Goldman, Morgan to switch to bank-holding firms
California Academy of Sciences



Early Voting

Early voting has commenced in a handful of states, yet each state has their own requirements and procedures. Discover the importance of early voting and find out how you can vote early with this State-by-State Guide.

Energy From Outer Space

Great article on energy from outer space

Obama's Economic Plan

Tucker Bounds can't manage to answer the question

Who is Phil Gramm...

National Presidential General Election 08'

Via Pollster
Obama - 48%
McCain - 44.1%

Thank John McCain

Note: blogged before about McCain advisers and lobbyists.

BornAliveTruth vs. Obama

BornAliveTruth.org Gianna ad:

Obama's response ad:

Story spills on Hannity & Colmes:

Let The Right One In

/Film: Let The Right One In is a must see.
Trailer inside

Be Informed

Salon on McCain's environmental record.
First McCain's houses... now his cars
Dick Cheney: VP is NOT part of the executive branch.
Olberman donating $100 for every Palin lie.
Darien Gap: The Most Dangerous (Absence of a) Road
Biden: Obama, don’t mess with Joe Biden’s guns.
North Korea nuclear deal falling apart.
McCain on privatizing social security.
Google's China censorship.
Solar eclipse from space.
Will Ferrell: done with sports movies.
Suicide bomb attack killed 53 people in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Water scarcity becoming a serious thought.
South African President Mbeki, Mandela's successor, agrees to resign.
Einstein fridge design can help global cooling.
Mugabe- President; Tsvangirai- Prime Minister; deal has been signed.
Lifehacker's Best of the Best software.
Damage to LHC forces 2-month hiatus.
Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Earl Palmer passed away.


Federal Deficit

Federal Deficit Chart

For Reference:
George W. Bush - January 20, 2001 - January 20, 2009
Bill J. Clinton - January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001
Georg H.W. Bush - January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993
Ronald W. Reagan - January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
Jimmy E. Carter Jr. - January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981
Gerald R. Ford Jr. - August 9, 1974 – January 20, 1977
Richard M. Nixon - January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974
Lyndon B Johnson - November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1969


Obama and McCain will have a free-flowing format for the three televised presidential debates.

Sep 26 - First Presidential Debate in Oxford, Mississippi

Oct 02 - Vice Presidential Debate in St. Louis, Missouri

Oct 07 - Second Presidential Debate in Nashville, Tennessee

Oct 15 - Third Presidential Debate in Hempstead, New York

National Presidential General Election 08'

Via Pollster
Obama - 47.9%
McCain - 44.1%

McCain's Ad, Obama's Response

McCain's "Advice" ad accuses Obama of seeking advice from Franklin Reins. Obama promptly responds and releases his "Who Advises?" ad.

HuffPo collects the facts.

National Presidential General Election 08'

Via Pollster
Obama - 47.5%
McCain - 44.5%


McCain's Spain Gaffe

TPM's Joshua comes to a pragmatic conclusion to this matter.

Be Informed

Costs of Firing a Worker.
Conservatives Scare More Easily Than Liberals, Say Scientists.
HBO Developing Miniseries About Lincoln's Killing.
Obama Files Suit Over Alleged Vote Suppression Plan.
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.'s thoughts on the above.
One Step Closer to the Dinner Table - Genetically Modified Animals

Get Em' Chris!

Via Talking Points Memo


An American Carol - Trailer


Third Term - Keating Five (clip)

Progressive Accountability presents Third Term

McCain - Smears and Lies

Raise taxes on electricity (false)

Obama = +$734 billion to the Treasury over 10 years
McCain = -$253 billion to the Treasury over 10 years
Difference = $987 billion

Obama = Voted to raise taxes 94 times (method is debated)
McCain = Voted to raise taxes 477 times (using same method)
Difference = 383 votes

Obama = Faster economic growth with less inequality.
McCain = Slower economic growth with more inequality.
Difference = obvious

Obama = Eliminate capital gains taxation on start-up businesses.
McCain = Keep the current rates on dividends and capital gains.
Difference = Stimulate start-up businesses vs. status quo.

Obama = Substantial withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
McCain = America will leave Iraq only with "victory."
Difference = Ease military budget on taxpayers vs. embarrassment of defeat(?).

Obama = +$3.5 trillion to national debt by 2018.
McCain = +$5 trillion to national debt by 2018.

Democrats = Surplus in federal deficit; lower unemployment rate; employment growth.
Republicans = Opposite of above

Obama = Tax elders making more than $253,064.
McCain = Not tax elders making more than $253,064.

TPM - First Dude...

Palin-McCain Administration?

Obama's "Who Advises" Ad

Phil Gramm 1 2 3 4

Carly Fiorina 1 2 3 4

McCain Attacks Wall Street Greed—With 83 Wall Street Lobbyists Working for His Campaign.

Colbert on McCain

Be Informed

Rising Deficits... Why?
5 People You've Never Heard Of Who Saved the World
12 Year Old Boy Invents New Type of Solar Cell
WHY would Palin refuse to fund rape kits?
14 Amazing Works of Political Graffiti
Avoid Brain Shrinkage? Get Your B12!


Q-Tip - Gettin' Up

The Renaissance, 11.04.08

That's What She Said...

Best Fight Scene Ever

Provided via Buzzfeed

Scare Fail

Courtesy of http://failblog.org

America's Fallen Star - McCain

Obama's Economic Plan